First visitors

I found the box with the bird food in last night so I set up the feeder this morning where I can see it from the lounge and the conservatory. I had barely made it back inside when the first visitors arrived!

A magpie surveyed it from a short distance, a coal tit had a quick sample, the robin sat and watched from a nearby bush and then the pigeon arrived. He made a false attempt to land on the tray then settled for the top. He looked at the seed and then side stepped along the hanger, stopped to have a think, side stepped a bit more and started to slide down the curve, held on tight and tried to reach the seeds ... but couldn't quite make it. He stayed about 10 mins trying to work it out before giving up for now. The robin watched it all then flew in to the feeder for a good little feast. I've never seen a robin on my feeder before. I thought they are ground feeding birds and they always sat on the tray in my other garden and looked longingly at the seeds and just cleared up the food on the tray or the seeds dropped by others. This one is obviously clever!

All taken from the lounge through the window. A bit more glare on the window here to what I had in my study.

Today is a day of work and I have quite a bit to do so I doubt much unpacking will get done.

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