It's your choice...
So this morning was the much anticipated trip to see the orthopaedic surgeon. Occasional twinges have over the last year become nagging aches and sometimes sharp pains. I want an operation about as much as I, well, want an operation - but realistically, more than my irrational fears of sharp things, I want to know my knee will keep working.
The Cumberland looks fantastic - I'd read bad things, and indeed was seeing a surgeon from Northumberland who's been drafted in to make much needed improvements, but the initial impression given by this gleaming creation of chrome, glass and tile was that new hospitals seem pretty good.
The surgeon explained my scan results and told me that I didn't have to have an operation - and whilst he didn't seem to want to tell me what to do he took the time to answer all my questions and concerns. Bearing in mind my lifestyle, job & hobbies, Ive decided that whilst not ideal an arthroscopy is the right choice. Apparently I'll have full use of the knee after a fortnight & the worst case prognosis is that it won't make anything worse or weaker - but has a very high chance of making things much stronger.
Fortunately he also said that there's no rush so I can keep on track with my fantastically busy winter schedule - so full steam ahead & trying not to think about March & needles & scalpel's...
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