
A busy day driving Daughter from one place to the next.

Started with a voice lesson and finished with a session with her drama tutor working on a couple of monologues.

Therefore, I had time to kill so I took a trip to Dobbies to get nuts for the birds and picked up some indoor bulbs that were on sale. Popped next door to Lakeland as I had to get a new duster. Can you believe we had lost our duster!

On the way back to pick up Daughter I popped into the graveyard opposite Blair Drummond Hall. I dont know the history of this place. I remember reading about it before but I'm afraid I can't remember. I took a few photos but as I was leaving the sun came out and this was the scene behind me.

I'm going to be in the area again in a few weeks so I may pop back as there were lots of little snow drops getting ready to flower.

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