An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Hills are Alive...

No lie in this morning.

Alan was off out early on a day without us. David went to collect his new bike (and padded shorts and helmet) then we were off on the hunt for a bookcase to fill the space left by the Christmas tree. Not an easy task as we’re trying to match it to a massive, antique bookcase already in the room (that came with the house.)

Found one that was almost identical but it didn’t have the original shelves and the replacements were completely different wood. Much darker. Looked very odd!

In other news, my laptop is driving me nuts. For a while now it’s been shutting down at random times for no apparent reason but now it’s only letting me online for minutes at a time before it cut out. I have said a bad word more than once this evening.

In other, other news, Alan is already wanting to talk about and plan Christmas 2014.

Well it is only 348 sleeps ;)

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