Preparing for cake

I bought myself this magnetic food planner pad over Christmas, to help prevent those "oh no, what are we going to eat" days. We're food shopping tomorrow so I started filling it out today. I got as far as some cakes... it's a good start, I think.

Today my mind has been firmly in the UK with my best friend Helen, as her sweet little 6 month old baby has gone in for open heart surgery, after a rare heart condition was diagnosed. I cannot imagine what she must be going through, and have been beside myself with worry all day. I've been in tears with the anxiety and even sat down and said a prayer... to whom or what, I don't even know, as I'm not religious in the slightest. I've had no news since this morning, when she was just going down to theatre, but I'm sure no news is good news. Helen did mention it might be a while before she got back to me...

... I got a text just as I was writing that, and good news thankfully! They are just taking her breathing tube out and everything went well. I have never felt so relieved in my life. I just wish I could be there for Helen, the poor thing must be exhausted.

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