
By JulesButlerblip

Sunset strip

Hairdressers this morning then a quick shopping trip to get a couple of birthday cards for those in the next couple of weeks whilst I'm away..

home for a couple of hours and uploaded some more pictures to the and managed to get a shot of the sunset strip in the sky across the river.

Out tonight for friend Isobels' birthday.

She had a cake which our friend Helen made with Bucks Fizz on - that's stick figures of the group - since she is a mega fan and was overjoyed that having tweeted a picture of it Jay Aston then replied and wished her a happy birthday!

A great night full of laughs and a bit of dancing - of the "handbag" variety ;o)

Isobel is the first to hit 40 this year, so it will be a year of celebrating ahead!

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