Fancy Claps

By safetyisoff

My sister only had to go to school today for like 15 minutes because NR does something totally stupid requiring all Seniors to put together a portfolio of worthless items or they don't get to graduate. This little idea came into action my Senior year of High School in 2003, and I am super surprised they are still doing it. It's so pointless. I think it's just to improve the district's "report card" scores. So today she had to go in for a form of "exit interview" in which she was interviewed by a panel of 4 teachers who reviewed her portfolio. She went in at about 8:00 this morning and was done by 8:15! We went running today in the 43 degree weather and my knee was killing me even after only running 30 min. I couldn't wear the knee brace because it wouldn't fit over my spandex. My sister has off on Friday as well, so I think I may try the brace out then.

Ate Subway for lunch, some apple pie my mom made, mowed the lawn, and watched Year One from the library. What a stupid/horrible movie!

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