Eye Eye
The back of my left eye, complete with tiny little dark spot in the middle (not the cloudy bit, there's a speck within that), which was being checked out by the optham... olpham... opthalm... eye doctor last Friday. Been a funny old time in the post, this coming through today; the day before a copy of a photo book with a picture I took for a competition; and my old cartoons turning up.
The possible postal strike seems to be doing funny things (and delaying my bank paying in book so a cheque is still burning a hole in my wallet).
Back to the pub quiz tonight for the first time in about a month - only spotted Trev at the very end! We were tied for 1st place at the end, with the 'safecracker' question used as a tie-breaker, which we lost. Who would have known that a cat had 32 muscles in each ear. I ask you.
Animal crackers tomorrow night, but you'll have to wait to see what that entails. Let's just say fingers are crossed and hopes are being raised, so there's likely to be a downturn in mood if it all goes wrong... ;)
p.s. Just noticed it's a year ago to the day we flew off to India. A more intense holiday I don't think we'll ever have. 'Enjoy' might be too strong a word, 'experience' just about covers it. All sorts of trials and tribulations!
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