Naked men!!!

Hee hee........................ Thought that title might get your attention??!!

Went down to Portobello this afternoon to meet EllaBella EllaBella is ever so nice and she’d brought a toy for me – squeaky duck which is now damp, sandy duck. Wasn’t that kind of her?

I had a lovely play on the beach but Ann & EllaBella were more interested in these men – mad fools?! I met a collie cross doggie called Tess who I played ball with. It was such good fun. Tess’s owner kept telling me I was a clever girl because when I got the ball I brought it back to her and dropped it. Tess was a bit naughty and tried to keep hold of it when she got it.

EllaBella thinks I’m the most famous dog in Blipland. Obviously Ann hasn’t told me that because she doesn’t want me to become bigheaded! I was very well behaved today and didn’t do anything naughty so hopefully EllaBella will not have anything bad to tell Blippers.

........................And then after I’d had an hour of playtime guess where I went? The Espy. Yes an Edinburgh pub that lets doggies in. It was very warm and cosy and Ann had a coffee while I lay sensibly and watched the hundreds (OK slight exaggeration) of other doggies that were in there. We’ve never been in a pub where there’s been so many other dogs about.

Thank you EllaBella for such a lovely afternoon. xx

PS – Does anyone have the address of the BLIP CENTRAL office? We’d love to pop in to say ‘thank you’ for such a fantastic community.

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