Ivy Flowers

I have always been fascinated by the globular bunches of flower heads that common ivy produces. So I decided to photograph some on my walk with the dogs this afternoon. The only problem was that the light was fading fast and the ivy flowers are located on the darkest part of the walk where there are overhanging trees and full shade. This meant that with my compact I was shooting hand held at 1/8th second even with the ISO racked up to 400 ISO. To the naked eye and on the camera’s LCD they looked remarkably sharp so I decided to view them on the computer where the camera movement became quite apparent. I thought that this image might well be a good one to try out the new shake reduction sharpen filter in Photoshop CC as I was always quite wary of the claims for this filter. I am quite impressed with the result as there is sharpness right through the flower heads though the leaves are slightly soft but this is only natural as I was using a narrow dof. Worth looking LARGE to check out this detail.

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