Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Aberlady Footpath...Wide

First outing for my Christmas present - a new ultra wide angle lens (10-24mm f/3.5-4.5G). All very exciting - but so much to learn!

Because I'm more of an intuitive - rather than a technical - photographer, I do find I end up having a bit of a frustrating learning curve with new lenses, because I struggle to come up with the technical solution to what I'm trying to figure out - instead I just end up with random settings in combination to see what works!!

So we headed to the wonderful nature reserve at Aberlady, getting there early enough that it was still and calm. Fab shots of the bridge and beach, though I did end up swapping to my zoom on the way back to capture the beautiful lichen in the buckthorn berry "tunnel".

Lost a good couple of hours editing these, but it was fun - seeing what the lens is capable of, and what I need to think about next time. You can see all the results here, in the "other place".

The ones of the bridge were pretty good in places, but in the end I liked this one - both for composition and content. And yes, that's my O/H in the distance there, pacing as I bliphunt - a familiar sight to lots of blippers I'm sure!

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