point and press

By crispinhj

the perils

of only taking one photo and using your phone for it

My iphone has a nasty habit of saying it's focussed but being, as here, quite a bit off. Grrrr. Normally I get over this by taking at least two shots but I was obviously thinking more about cooking than photography. In spite of the photo being out of focus the food tasted pretty good

Mushrooms with garlic, olive oil and flat leaved parsley as a pasta sauce. Simple but really very nice. I have been using flat leaved parsley more and more in cooking recently, its flavour changes when you cook it and it has a very pleasant flavour.

It's always been a big favourite of mine, and I have discovered how by putting it in a plastic bag in the fridge with a splash of water you can keep it for quite a long time so always have fresh leaves to use. The veg stall that we like on the market always has this or curly leaved, and quite often coriander as well, which responds well to the same treatment.

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