
Got up intending to spend the day chilling and relaxing. Spent the day cleaning and organising. Still, it is hard to do the former before you've done the latter.

Other news:

the girl cat has learned that vomiting from a great height

a) is more impressive (i.e. more rock and roll as it ensures greater distribution and makes a far more impressive noise)
b) makes it more difficult for humans to clean up (thereby ensuring her sent lingers longer)
c) is less likely to mucky up her fur (and she is, after all, a lady) and
d) gets her more attention

We hid our concern under lots of shouting and a few blue expletives in order to prevent d). However, coming hard on the heels of the little sod getting me out of bed by peeing on my duvet, I can't really say that I was completely guided by behavioural principles!

PS she doesn't make a habit of this. Seems as though she had eaten something dodgy and wasn't feeling great. The vomiting clearly went some way to relieving her discomfort. Challenge will be to erase the memory from my mind.

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