It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Night Mill....

Taken after midnight just to be able to use this as a spare if Paula and I couldn't get a blip today......Well guess what?......We didn't.

The weather was bloomin awful!! Grey flat raining and dark all day. :-(

So I just went round hers for a coffee and a good old chin wag about our emergency blips.

So here it is. Not great but it'll have to do.

I was totally gob smacked with how popular yesterdays Mill Sunset was.....It made No. 1 briefly but sat high up all the time and is currently no 2 on Favourites page :-)))

Thank you all so much and its my highest amount of favs so far on blip....even more than my 365 Blip!

Draco The Humbled Dragon xx

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