twinned with trumpton


Late for School

Friday morning; I work 4 longer days and my super accommodating family friendly employer lets me have Fridays off. It used to be I had two boys to look after, but the older one has school on Friday until 1220, so first task is always to get them up, fed, dressed and out the door.

It does NOT help when you step out the door and are faced with a building site. Full of yellow jackets, diggers and this morning the girders that were being unloaded by a crane.

So instead of a stunning sunrise, we have a photo of two excited boys watching lumps of metal fly across the sky to be bolted together in a giant 3D jigsaw of their dreams, some guys with angle grinders sending plumes of sparks into the crisp morning air, and a digger quietly, methodically, relentlessly turning digging turning emptying in a seemingly endless pursuit.

That we made it for school as the second bell went was a minor miracle.

Then a morning of shelf purchasing at a well known Swedish furniture retailer, quick dive through Asda to get shopping for her son who's off to AMS next week, then school pick up and out to my old office to collect a peace lily I abandoned there 3 months ago. Quick chat with some erstwhile colleagues, to the bank, then skate park with the boys.

Sadly the rains they fell and we sought shelter in the greenhouse in the neighbouring park under the watchful gaze of Gandhi. A bench I had lunched on many times in the past 5 years.

Then home with the guys, and a restful evening of bathing, cooking, and examining in great detail this week's football cards. Top player? Chelsea's Ramieres.

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