Welcome to my world...

By KatJ


The day began with a walk with C. A year ago we were training for the moonwalk so were out walking regularly and now the weather is improving it seemed like a good time to resurrect the walking group. Did 5 miles and was home by 10am but hubby and the kids had all gone off to rugby so I thought 'What the hell?!' and did another 2.5 miles up to the rugby club to join them. Didn't get to watch much of the rugby as I ended up looking after a boy with a head injury :-S

This afternoon I managed to sneak an hour or so with my book whilst hubby supervised the homework/guitar/piano practise. Very indulgent!

Finished the day with the customary bottle of fizz and a roast dinner closely followed by Sherlock on the TV (the end of the series already *sob*).

Can't believe Monday is nearly here again!

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