Helping hand....

Plan was to get up early and zoom down to Da Hill for the day to help my Mum get things organised in her new house.

In the end, with one thing or another, I didnt get away til after 9, and then the journey down was lengthened due to black ice and low winter sun.....not the best driving conditions.

My attempt at putting up her curtain rail failed - a right fiddly thing, which got me more and more frustrated with each try. In the end I had to concede defeat and moved onto the more manageable tasks of hanging pictures, mirrors and putting things in the loft.

So, not as helpful as I'd planned on being!

Back up the road as the sun was starting to go down, and the ice starting to form on the roads once again.

This was taken at the foot of the Dalveen Pass, with the moon high in the sky.......

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