Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

I did it!

I never thought when i started blipping that i would manage 365!
But i have, i sat in the conservatory this morning thinking of a suitable blip. When i noticed shadows forming on the wicker box we have in there. Waving my hand about to see where they came from, i had an idea!
Oh course it had to have sprout in it too. He has been some of my more popular blips and some of my emergency ones too.
Thank you to all of you that have viewed, commented, favourited and starred my blips i have virtually met some lovely people and had my eyes opened to different parts of the world ( im now itching to see!) and especially stuartross and cakescakescakes for the blip introduction, little did i know what it would lead to.
Its been a diary for me tracking my felting venture, my weight loss and personal and family things. Will i make another 365? I will be trying! Im sure sprout will help.

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