veiw from the desk....and couch

Rather an grainy emergency blip as outside still out of bounds. I'm still coldy and keeping myself wrapped up warm. I do get a great evening sunset from my office (I've never had an office like this before.....I have normal stuff like a desk,printer, filing cabinets, bookshelves etc, but this one also has chairs , examination couch, leaflets and books for clients, BP machines, fetal monitoring devices etc). I much prefer it with all my midwife stuff in it! Did I mention the couch.....v comfy. It's just as well I like my office as there is so much paper work to do, some of it is to do with clients and babies, some are proposals to try and get hospitals, doctors, midwives, GP's all talking more effectively to each other. Ireland is somewhat behind the UK in it's integrated approach to community teamwork - I've slipped into proposal talk......better go for a little couch time!

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