Usual Monday work day and visit to the head shrink blah blah. (Not one of my happier visits but I've no doubt I'll learn something good from it during the week...)
The blip is of a view I have regularly while waiting for the head shrink and is usually really uplifting, thought provoking and beautiful whatever the weather, with rolling countryside, expansive views and big skies, often dramatic. However, today the beautiful countryside was ruined by some idiots dumping their trade waste that they were too tight to pay for to go to the tip. Makes my blood boil....
Right that's enough of the rant. On a positive note, I managed to complete a long running property acquisition at 7pm tonight so my 'free' day tomorrow can now be more or less a free day! Wish me luck, as I'm trialling a local gym. Exercise much needed but very scary for one who has lost so much fitness over the last few years!
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