fleeting visions

By eyeGillian

golden afternoon

I got off to a slow start today, trying to adapt to being off work for several months (no cruise ships = no work), but I am pleased that I fit in some physical activity. I started with a morning "bosu" class at the Y, then in mid-afternoon, well, the sun was shining and the day was mild, and the dogs were looking at us with that earnest, intense look...

So we headed out with the dogs to the local park, hoping to find some non-icy trails. Although the trails were quite slippery in spots, we managed a happy wander around the sunniest part of Fisher Lakes, seeing ducks, many humans and more than a few dogs as well. The dogs found many patches of soft snow to roll in, and I took several photos, but I like this photo best - the low sun partially obscured by clouds, creating a soft golden light (slightly enhanced by me). It was a lovely day!

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