Garden of Forked Paths

By ForkedPaths365


Stumbled out of bed in the dark, ON A SUNDAY MORNING, before the heating had come on and headed outside to witness a gorgeous sunrise with pink skies set against a totally white frosty world...

Sped up the Fosse Way to Coventry to attend the car club committee meeting. This is truly one of the best driving roads I've ever experienced, especially first thing on a Sunday morning with v little traffic and the sun shining brightly.

Unfortunately, it's not nearly as much fun when you're sat in the passenger seat of your own Italian sports car :(

Six hours of committee meeting was punctuated by a wander around Coventry town centre followed by a quick photo of the amazing walkway at the Transport Museum...

Then a drive back home via Chiquito for a v good mojito and dinner and straight to bed.


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