Mummy Bakdur

By MummyBakdur

At the park

I was at work bright and early this morning leaving the boys lazing at home still sound asleep in bed! Boo!
I'd been looking through photos last night and found some one's of Evren at the park in the swings and it made me feel guilty that I drag him everywhere I want to go but never really take him to the park for a run around or a play on the swings or slide. So I checked the weather forecast first thing and it looked like it was going to be sunny and clear all day, just a bit chilly. So I got home from work and wrapped us both up warm and off we went! He thoroughly enjoyed himself, wasn't as fussed on the swings as he used to be but absolutely loved going down the slide all on his own! We then went and played in the soggy sand and he had fun picking it up and running round, then it wasn't long until someone came to tell us it was closing just as the heavens opened for all of about 5 minutes, so we got a bit damp!
Must make sure we do more FUN stuff not MUMMY stuff!!
We called in to see Daddy at work on our way home too and picked up some fruit from the shops.

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