Stewart Marks

By stewartmarks

The Tram is Coming

Today during a brisk walk along Princes Street, I noticed a number of new traffic signs - they either mention 'Trams' or are tram specific. The little blue one is the latter.

The Traffic Lights have also been changed to add Tram specific signals. The power lines are up. And all these additions join the tracks which are already integrated into the landscape.

I was drawn to notice this, not only because I'm observant (nosey), but because there was a bit of Tram talk at dinner last night. Are they a good or bad 'thingy'? Will a trip to the airport be quicker by bus? Will they be victims of sabotage? What happens when one breaks down on the single flow tracks?

The trams are under going test runs now, apparently.

I'll look out for them on my next trip home.

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