
By TeaAddict

Last Brew of the Day

One of those days today where one minute it was 9am and I was just settling down to work and the next it was 8pm and I hadn't even started thinking about making dinner. Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day!

Chores are piling up.. kitchen looks like a bomb has gone off in it, there is so much ironing to do that I am in danger of being crushed under the weight of falling laundry each time I open the door of the airing cupboard and I have received a complaint today that one member of this household has no clean pants. Must try to address some of my domestic priorities tomorrow.

On top of that we seem to have a suspiciously large number of blue bottles flying around the house. This can only mean one thing.. one of the cats has hidden the corpse of a mouse somewhere in the house.. so I also have the delight of trying to track that down!

But it can all wait until tomorrow - I'm just going to have one last cuppa and then go to bed! ..am pooped!

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