Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Consultation Companion

Yes, my camera goes with me almost everywhere, much to the bemusement of people who meet me and it. I had an appointment with my oncology consultant this afternoon, and brought the camera along 'just in case'.

There was a long queue waiting when I checked in, so it was almost an hour before I was seen. At this stage, at long last I'm approaching the end of the prostate treatment road. With the switch to six-monthly injections from monthly, my April injection will be the last of the three-year course. Today's appointment was to review my PSA number (which is excellently low) and to monitor the side-effect situation since the change in injection type and frequency. All is going well, and it will be another six months before I see the consultant again. One more visit some time down the road from that and we'll know whether the treatment has worked.

I was seen by yet another member of Dr O'Neill's team. As has so often happened (especially since I got the X100), the camera was remarked on. Dr Whatever-it-was had to leave the room to chase up my blood test results, and that's when I took this in-the-mirror SP. My original crop showed DS's face, but I much preferred this tighter crop instead.

Today was an auspicious one for another health-related reason, since it is one year today since I fell and broke my hip. I can't say whether it feels longer or shorter than that, but I can say that I am still not back to normal in terms of walking. All too often, I feel that I look like a pregnant penguin as I walk along. On the positive side, there are other times when I glide along like a professional ice skater, which is a much more satisfactory comparison.

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