Finally found the birds.

More pastel in large.

The weather was very nice today. Overcast sure, but warmer and very mild. All of those birds that mobbed the feeders on the horribly cold and snowy days we had last week disappeared! I didn't see a single bird in the usual places. I guess feeding at the feeder isn't a top priority when the weather is more amiable. So I went hunting for the birds in other areas when the sun peeked out. I found several smaller birds in a clump of pine trees; chickadees, tufted titmice and goldfinches. They happily nibbled on something under those trees and settled back in to that action after they got used to my presence. I could have stood their all afternoon... they were fun to watch. :) A few times they got brave and landed very near me or flew just next to where I stood.

Above was my favorite shot of the day. Many of you may not get very excited over a goldfinch, they are such a common backyard bird. But I don't see many and when I do I can't seem to get a good shot of them. In the summer, their yellow feathers don't record well (always blown out with little detail, no matter what exposure I use). In the winter, well, I just don't seem to see any. So it was a treat for me to hang out with them today. :) I also captured an image of a chickadee's tongue - a first for me. I always thought they shelled a nut or seed, then ate the middle... but from the series of shots that this one came from, it appears that they pulverize the nut/seed then lick the pulp they created. Kind of an interesting thing to figure out.

Happy Monday (or Tuesday). :)

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