Broken Ice

The melting ice behind our house froze overnight, but soon resumed its slow melting process. I ventured out briefly to try to accelerate the drainage of the pool. Breaking ice fascinates me, and this is a bunch that I dumped onto a clear portion of the driveway.

The best part of winter is fresh snow, and for the moment that's well behind us. Here's the original sheet of ice, if you've forgotten it or hadn't seen it :)

A real outing for me tonight, to a bird club meeting. Marylee still had to drive, but we see the doctor on Wednesday; we expect he'll judge my operated-on foot well enough to drive with.

A flashback, to Pieter Brueghel the Elder's Hunters in The Snow I blipped in Vienna in November. The New York Times has just posted a long page (with images) of Christie's appraisals of works of art at the Detroit Institute of Arts, which are under threat due to the city's bankruptcy proceedings. Paging down, you'll find that Brueghel the Elder's Wedding Dance is valued the highest of all, at $100 to $200 million. Hunters in the Snow would be distinctly higher than that.

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