
By mollymay49


Today's topic for the Challenge, Slimy.
What better place than the Marina I was sure to find plenty of slime under the board walk and sure enough I was surrounded in slimy seaweed.
The trouble was I had to scramble down the rocks to get a better shot of it.
The seaweed is there all time there is just different amounts of it depending on which way the tide is flowing.
I got some good shots of it too very interesting when you take a closer look.

This blip fascinated me however, when I downloaded them from the camera onto iPad I noticed what looked like two little eyes staring at me,can you see them at the from of the picture? Whatever it was it was on quite a few shots this one is the best.
Mmmm very odd maybe it's a frog? I didn't it see while I was taking the shot though.

DDW Challenge: January 2014
Day 14 topic Slimy

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