Homeless Kitties

Or how my husband kept reassuring me...work camp kitties.

This was quite a photo adventure. My husband, (another blip photo freak) and I love to go on photo adventures. Today was one of those amazing finds. I know you all know what I mean when I say "amazing finds". We drove down this deserted road where tons of factories were located. I notice there were lots of cats roaming all over the place. As we were taking a closer look we discovered that there were little kitties condos or shelters and bags of cat food everywhere. I'm guessing these little houses were made by the people who work in the factories. How sweet, how it warmed my heart. It was so wierd or maybe not (because it's us) my husband and I had very different looks on the situation. I was upset and feeling sad for the kitties because I was thinking them homeless but was grateful that people gave them food and shelter, (so me). They for one thing did not look unhappy, unhealthy, or hungry in the least. My husband like I said kept reassuring me that they knew no other life and were very happy living in the outside and that their job was to take care of the rodents and thought of it more like a work camp, (so him).

So here are two of the kitties we stop to say hello to in their cozy home. Very serious looks on their faces...
... they must be working :)

...ok, work camp kitties...

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