The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Someone asked...

Why did you stop blipping? And I didn't really have an answer.
I'm not a photographer (no shit, Sherlock) but I like the idea of capturing the minutiae of everyday stuff. Like Miss E dancing her way round Tesco with her dad last night. Or Cal's inability to take a nap, despite being awake half the freaking night (again) or H's constant look of horror whenever her dad or I say *anything* (especially when we prefix what we say with a # - that really, really winds her up).
And mostly because as someone who never tires of harping on at everyone else about how they should write - just write - then I should, perhaps, follow my own advice?
Anyway, we're the house of ill at the moment - Red Cross on the door and a'thing. I'm seriously considering getting back on the old multi vitamins at this rate!

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