Duthe Park
As expected after the blue sky yesterday it turned cloudy today, and at intervals wet. I believe snow was forecast but has not materialised yet, at least in the city. I have had in mind to visit the Winter Gardens in Duthie Park on the next occasion when it was wet and miserable.
On arrival at Duthie Park I was walking towards the Winter Gardens when I was attracted by the light from the South. The sun was making an attempt to peer through over a cloud bank. The more distant features of the landscape had a monochrome, partially obscured, look due to the haze from a slight dampness in the air. I decided to attempt to capture the light from behind the band stand.
I subsequently visited the Winter Gardens. There were several gardeners at work, though maybe not as many visitors as on other occasions. However at this point my mind was set on the external scene, and the interior can wait for another wet day. I am sure I will have many wet days to choose from. After a quick visit to the Winter Garden I adjourned to Park Cafe for a coffee.
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