
By artoo

Sick bed

I arrived at work feeling fine this morning. But quite quickly after sitting down at my desk I started to feel really light headed and my stomach didn't feel good. My colleague suggested I should go home but at that point I really didn't feel able to drive. After I don't know how long spent in the ladies toilet cuddling the toilet bowl I was sick. Only the second time I've ever done that at work, and a really grim experience (sorry if TMI).

After that the light-headed-ness seemed to pass and I felt able to get into the car and drive home, where I promptly zonked out on the sofa and dozed for the rest of the day. My husband and son were at home - my son was complaining of tummy ache so my husband gave him a duvet day as a precaution. When I joined him on the sofa he passed me his cuddly lion - his special comforter that he won't sleep without - to help me feel better. Bless him.

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