Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Pain ....

Normal start to the day, walking the dogs with him-indoors and part way through the walk - ouch - knee excruciating pain and real difficulty walking on it to the point of a limp. Hobbled home feeling sorry for myself.

Telephone call to GP surgery - no appointments today!

Called in to chemist on the way to work and although it was after 9am, door shut. Door unlocked and informed that as the pharmacist was stuck in traffic, unable to open up, couldn't even sell me Ibuprofen. Went into local shop to purchase them on to work.

Spent the day in a training workshop (very interesting), resting the knee and taking alternating paracetamol / ibuprofen. On the way home called into another chemist and spoke with the pharmacist - her advice, visit Minor Injuries.

Arrived at M.I. At 6:30pm and nearly two and a half hours later left with crutches.
Cartilage wear and tear - R.I.C.E. if no better in 10 days go to GP.

What a day ............

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