the ranch
this is junction school, where LBJ signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act during his presidency. this is also the one room schoolhouse where he went to school.
a last hurrah before school starts, so we thought we'd drive the hour or so out to johnson city and stonewall, texas, where the LBJ ranch, birthplace, and house he grew up in are located. a great day. the ranch is a lot of fun, still a working ranch operated by the national park service with cows, goats, etc. many good pictures to choose from but this one is emblematic of the day.
we toured the texas white house...a goat tried to eat my new dress...among other things. also got some great post office photos today.
LBJ was the greatest president for the common people in the US since FDR and hasn't been equalled since. unfortunately, the shadow of vietnam will always hang over him. but he's still my favorite.
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