
My day started at 4.05am when I woke up, and since the alarm was due to go off at 4.40am, I just lay in bed, waiting for that moment when you don't really want to get up, but know you have to.

Out the door at 5am, milk the cows, back home for breakfast, took Son T to his kayaking course, did some washing, went to school and worked there for the rest of the morning, home for lunch, start cleaning the cottage (we had unexpected guests staying last night), went for a massage, back home to organise tea, out to pick up T, have tea, out to milk, home, organise T for kayaking tomorrow, and finally at 9.15pm go outside and take my photo for the day. Phew - such a busy day - I'm so pleased that I can sit down while typing this!

It was jolly cold milking this morning. 3 degrees C! It felt like autumn. However we had a gloriously sunny day, although certainly not the temperatures that we should be getting at this time of the year. Let's hope things improve.

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