It's a wet, windy and grey day today, so I was looking around for an indoor blip, like lots of others at the moment.
Having bought these crispy things for when we had visitors, I happened to notice the word CRACKED on the bag, which fits in well with DDW's January Challenge.
Then I looked further down the bag and saw the words "Tiny moments of extraordinary pleasure" - for goodness sake, who thinks up these advertising gimmicks? Surely, if you need to get your TMoEP from a bag of crisps, there is something seriously wrong with your life!
I am reminded of the scripture :
Jesus said, "I came that they may have and enjoy life,
and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
John 10:10
Amplified Bible
Think I would rather get my TMoEP from the One who promised and gives me abundant life!
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