
By SnowGooseBlues

Choire an t-Sneachda

Decided to head up to Cairngorm for my first ski tour of the new year. The forecast was light winds and the tops going in and out of the cloud. This was the clearest moment of the day! It may not look it but the skiing was quite good, interesting and varied! The ascent using skins up the Fiacaill a Choire Chais was excellent grippy snow. At the top I bumped into a former pupil who was taking a gap year before going off to study medicine! The ski down to Choire Raibert was pleasant enough but a bit slow into a light head wind. Skinned up to Stob Coire an t-Sneachda and along the coire edge to Coire Lochain but then had to crampon down into Lurchers Gulley before having a fab ski down the gulley on good powder. It was then off with the ski and a carry back to the car park. I Met another friend there quite by chance - Cairngorm is a very sociable place. SOLOH and I then went off to see Philomena at Eden Court. I thought I might fall asleep in the comfy chairs after all the exertion. No chance of that the film was gripping from the opening sequence.

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