Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Goldenacre Park

We left Uncle Charles and Auntie Kirsty's this morning after breakfast and went to Grandma and Grandad's house. They were very pleased to see me. In the afternoon we went for a walk in Goldenacre Park. I liked it very much - there were lots of my two favourite animals to see, ducks and dogs. Every time I see a dog I point and say "Booboo". This is because that's my name for Boogie, who sometimes stays with Gran and Papa. Uncle Charles and Auntie Kirsty came round in the evening and we had a meal for Grandad's birthday, which is tomorrow. Then we watched Strictly Come Dancing. I was up way past my usual bedtime, but I still fell alseep before the end.

I have learnt how to say "eyes" and I point to my eyes when I say it. I have also been making a noise, two short sounds and then a long one, which Mum and Dad realised was me saying "one, two, three!"

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