Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Es Pontas

We just started out locally from Cala d'Or and went to Cala Figuera and surrounding area. There were lots of great shots today so a real dilemma for Bliping.
After lunch we went to see this natural rock arch, imaginatively named 'Es Pontas' - (no prizes for guessing what that means)
This natural phenomena seems to attract odd people and we have had a few adventures around hear over the years.
The first time we went we explored along the cliffs and found ourselves unwelcome intruders in a secluded cove - now forever known as 'Cala Bonka'
This years visit wasn't quite so noteworthy but we had the company of four slightly odd girls. Primly dressed for hot weather; head scarves, long dresses, jumpers, and a slight air of in-breeding (widely spaced eyes, squints and extra toes, probably) - members of a religious sect or nuns on a day off? They kept climbing over the railing and sitting on the cliff edge to take photos of each other which, frankly, gave me the hebie-jebies. You got the distinct impression they were waiting until we left. Who knows what they were planning to do! I was very tempted to nip back....

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