In a blur

Today happened in a blur..

First day of work after my holiday and illness. I was feeling fine in the morning, with just the cough and congestion to worry about, but then it all went downhill after lunchime. By the time I left work, I was not feeling great and, as I'm writing this, I'm not feeling well either... I have to admit I'm a bit worried... I hope I'm ok tomorrow.

Today I felt a bit like in another planet, completely detached from what was happening around me at work. I was in a very strange state of mind. I managed to somehow conduct my tours though, but that just made my sore throat even worse.

So yes, I have a bit of a blurry image of today and I just couldn't get round to find any enthusiasm for photography either... What's wrong with me? :(

As I'm not feeling well, I'll go to bed after this. So I will apologize in advance as I won't be leaving any comments this evening. Maybe tomorrow morning if I'm feeling better..

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts yesterday. They made my day! I hope you all had a good day!

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