
By Brookeside

Ssshh toys are sleeping

Brooke is very good at imaginative play. She's always role playing and acting out real life with her dolls. She loves her kitchen and teapots are a huge hit. Today she lined all her toys up on the cushions to go for a nap! She's now started having conversations which is is cute. The following happened today;

While watching waybaloo and the screen changed from trees to the piplings
Brooke: leaf (shrugs and holds out both hands)
Mum: where's the leaf gone
Brooke: away, leaf gone
Mum: where did the leaf go
Brooke: bed, leaf bed (clasps hands at side of face in a sleeping motion)

Whilst playing hide and seek with uncle Paul and finding him
Brooke: boo, hey you

She just makes us laugh so much!

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