
By ValandJules

A-Z of Cornwall. Todays letter. T for Treen

Hello fellow blippers, Jules here, checking in for a change. Val is at work so I have been left in charge. Oh dear.

Today we decided to continue our A-Z of Cornwall. It had been a long time since our last trip that we weren't quite sure where we were up to. We soon discovered it was T. Our next issue was where to go as it seems T is a very popular letter to start placenames with in Cornwall.

We decided on Treen, a small village near Land End in the parish of St Leven. Close by is Logans Rock which I had wanted to walk to but the weather was pretty biblical and someone forgot her wet weather gear. No names mentioned.

We popped into the Logan Rock Inn, the small pub in Treen and had fish & chips and a cold non alcoholic beverage.

On the way back home we decided that it would be nice to take some pictures of old engine houses at Botallack mine. This meant driving down very narrow and bumpy lanes which my car was blatantly not made for. Got some nice pics though. :-)

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