A day in the life

Well, I attended my first Yoga class for beginners tonight ! An introductory six week course held on campus - there were seven of us 'giving it a go'. All part of my New Year's resolution to invest more time in my physical and mental health. This 75 minute class was preceded by another day spent mostly, but not entirely, working on my Masters dissertation proposal and was followed by a glass of Pinot Grigio in the guise of visiting neighbour-friend Karen. As I write this, another colleague-friend is on his way to spend a couple of hours in convivial chat. So, all in all , a mentally, physically and socially satisfying day - feeling good.

I took the photo walking between Karen's front door and mine. I love these trees - so majestic the way they sweep to the ground. Don't know what they are though I think maybe some kind of Cedar.

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