A Bit Of Fresh Eyre

By DEyre


So these light my way when cycling. Except some brilliant designer decided to put green bits around the lens, which destroy any night vision you might have had. Excellent.


So today I discovered that a cameras shutter count can be reset. I don't know how, and it happened about 1800 photos ago, but my camera now thinks it has taken only 1800 photos, not well over 60,000, which I passed in May. NB I mean the absolute shutter count that Nikons have, not the file names that reset every 10k.

I have found originals (edited photos apparently don't keep the total shutter count on EXIF) from December and they're around the 65k mark. No idea what has been going on, but it seems the camera is getting so old it just decided to be new again.

*insert comment about needing a new camera here*

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