Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Life as Pantomime

After a "drudge" day in the office got home to find that Monty's wound on his back had split wide open so had to take him all the way down to deepest Surrey and leave him to be stitched up before going back up the A3 to shoot "Alice - The Pantomime". Here is said Alice looking suitably bemused at the gender busting dee and dum sisters of the tweedle variety.  Then picked up a stoned Monty with a re-stitched and dressed back. Very late by now. When did you last find yourself driving through the dark with a spaced out cat at half past eleven at night? Pantomime indeed. I did say to TSM that if the  Cheshire Cat got ill on stage then someone else would have to bloody well take him to the vet ...

I'm weary. And not just about today.

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