Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Bedtime Story

Orla and I reading her bedtime story downstairs on the sofa before going up to get ready for bed. It's because Conor's already asleep, so we don't want to disturb him.

My first day back at work today after 11 months off. It went well, but it was a bit strange. Things are very familiar but different at the same time, even the city. New Haymarket station and completed train tracks! I have a new desk in a new office, sharing with just one other person. I thought it might be a bit lonely but I really like it. There are lots of new faces around too. Some of them I've met but others I've still to get to know.

Conor had a good day at Gran and Papa's and Orla was fine too apart from a little wobble around dinner time. Conor was very agitated when I got home though, he wouldn't settle until I nursed him. Even cried during his bath! Hopefully he'll get used to the new routine over the next few days.

Orla and her dad baked biscuits this evening. I'm sure there will be lots of fun activities going on in that couple of hours between them coming home and me arriving.

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