John .....

..... looking at photos.

Today I've had a trip in to Leeds to have a blip wander with the talented Humans of Leeds photographer ZMT. First stop was the market to drop off a few photos of Purdy the dog for her owner Sam and also a few prints for john who I've often photographed with Purdy ( blipped ). We had a cuppa and a wander around the market catching up with a few of the regulars before having a walk up to the top end of town.

ZMT took a few photos of a talented young lady called Colette with her felted wool dreadlocks and we had a chat with Colette and her friend who was setting up a Vegan festival. There was a visit to a camera shop in the Merrion centre where myself and ZMT pawed the very nice cameras on display and had a play with a Fuji X100 ( I may have to raid my piggy bank ).

ZMT had to head off and I had a bit of Birthday present shopping to do so we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I have added a few more photos from today ( including a colour version of this blip that shows Purdy's pink coat with diamante details ) to a set here, but today's blip is .....

..... John looking at photos.

More Leeds Market photos.

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