
Another wet, windy and dull day! This wind is something else!

The horrid weather seems to have kept our visitors away today, well a few came to visit but a very much quiet day. Enjoy it while it lasts as the next few weeks will be busy!
Just back in from walkies with Sammy and now I'm soaked! Wind and horizontal rain don't mix well when walkies! Think it'll be a night on the sofa for the rest of the night :)

Nothing spotted outside today for a photo. A great thing about working in the Shetland Museum is that there's plenty of things for me to see and photograph :) The wood shavings, or Speiliks caught my eye as I was walking through the boatsheds and notice the old boat the Rose being restored in the background. I'll need to Blip that with Robbie and Jack :) Taken at the Shetland Museum, Hay's Dock, Lerwick.

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