Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Bare Trees, Strawmoor Lane

I thought that after all the practice I have had of photographing sunrises I would be able to read them pretty well. THis morning looked like a good one; a bit of cloud, otherwise clear, it begged to be a pink paradise.

Instead as I was stadnign there this heavy cloud moved in from the north west, obliterating the rising sun. You have to adapt to the situation before you, so I shot, knowing that this would turn into a black and white image. I start looking for contrast and light and dark tones, structure (well those tree branches help a lot) and good composition. No real lead in lines today but I think the dark cloud upper left does balance the tree in the foreground.

Technical; 3 stop ND Grad coveing the main sky area but diagonal so that it didn't impose too much on the tree. I had to lighten the hedge line as a result, i post processing. Silver Efex Pro conversion.

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